Abby bonded immediately with Ken. She and Ken's daughter, Katie, would eventually become best buddies by the end of the trip.
Hendri's daughter, Alyssa, and Hendra's eldest son, Jayden.
Kayleigh, the party girl!
Everyone took turns holding Henny and Oliver's newest addition to the family, Johan, who was just born in March. Elaine's turn to hold Johan, while chatting with Cousin Eric. Cousin Brian is chatting with my brother, Allen, in the foreground.
Above is a draft of the family tree on Bo-Gong's side of the family. My family actually descends from Bo-Gong's brother's side. Bo-Gong's brother would be my father's dad....I believe that's right....In the end, it doesn't really matter. What matters is that my father grew up with Henny's dad and Elaine's mother. In my father's eyes, those two are his closest siblings, and he is far closer to Bo-Gong than he was to his own father.
As the gathering wrapped up, Murphy finally got to come out and show off some of his tricks. With so many little ones at the party, some were frightened of the big, rambunctious Murphy, so he was isolated until most of the party left.
That night, we dressed up to go to Great-Uncle's 100th Birthday celebration dinner.
All of us staying at the Sebel walked together to the restaurant. We loved how pedestrian-friendly that area was!
Henny and Johan.
Allen, David, and Hendra.
The best thing about seeing Bo-Gong and Bo-Po was the shock that they haven't changed much at all since I last saw them almost 20 years ago!! They were both in seemingly great health. I loved that Bo-Gong, after agonizing over which hat to wear to his birthday celebration, shows up in a baseball cap!
Unfortunately, Abby and Kayleigh had not completely overcome jet lag and both were asleep before dinner started, so we ended up having to leave the party shortly after we took a quick picture with Bo-Gong and Bo-Po and probably only half-way through the party. We felt awful that we had to cut our participation short to the main event of the trip!
Saturday, July 07, 2012 |
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