One thing I have really been looking forward to with this parenting gig is being able to talk to Abigail about her day. Asking her questions and hearing her expand on the topics and having her randomly share with me things of which I have not been a part of during her day.

I knew, obviously, that I had to wait until she could talk before that special time would begin and I knew I probably had at least another year to wait, but Abby surprised me today while I was eating dinner.

I had left work very late. Paul had already picked her up from daycare hours ago and everyone had already eaten dinner. I was eating the leftovers and chatting with my mom, but during a pause, Abby chimed, "I see a moon! I see a moon!" I thought she said she saw my spoon, so I said, "Yes, momma's using a spoon for dinner." She ignored me and kept persisting, "I see moon, I see moon, I see moon!"

My very slow brain finally allowed me to realize she DOES know the difference between "spoon" and "moon." Could she possibly be saying, "She saw the moon today?"

So I asked, "Abby, did you see the moon today?"


"Did Ba-Ba show you the moon?"


I couldn't believe it. I was stunned and excited and even more so when I confirmed with Paul that they had gone out for a walk at twilight to see the near-full moon. I believe Abby was very proud of herself for being able to share her piece of news, which meant something special to her. I was euphoric! What will she tell me tomorrow?

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