We had just finished dinner and Abby was out of her booster seat while Paul and I still chatted at the table.
Abby: Mama poopy?
Me: What?
Abby: Mama poopy? I change you.
Me: I'm not poopy. Anyway, Mama's potty trained. I don't wear a diaper and I don't need a diaper change.
So, in an effort to avoid the embarrassment of going through a diaper change process - where I'm the victim - we introduced to Abby Poopy Bear. (She actually named him.) Poopy Bear is going through early stages of potty training and uses our toilets a lot. He also goes through 10-15 diaper changes in a matter of half an hour.
Using her imagination on everything but the diaper, she is able to put on gloves just as her daycare teachers do when changing diapers, use wipes, wash the bears bottom, put on diaper cream and rub Paw-Paw ointment on his legs and arms (because Poopy Bear suffers from itchy eczema skin like Abby), and get the bear diapered. And every so often, Poopy Bear would prefer to use the potty and he will sit on the toilet, Abby will flush afterwards for him, and I will help wash his hands.
Believe it or not, Paul and I are having a blast watching her go through these motions in so much detail, mimicking all her caregivers. It is amazing to see how much she has observed!
Note: Her daycare teachers have started getting her comfortable with the potty and we will probably be starting the extremely frightening process of potty training in a few weeks. She is ready for it, but timing has just been a little bit tricky with the move.
Sunday, July 05, 2009 |
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Comments (1)
Oh my gosh, that is hilarious. Wow, that's awesome. I guess soon you guys are also going to have a tooth brushing bear and a clean-your-room bear. Later, more specialized bears may appear, such as 'calculus bear', 'college-prep bear', etc. :)
She is so brilliant! Dangerously brilliant. Time to start withholding information; I keep telling you!! :P