This is a cute little song that Abby has learned in daycare. Each week, the toddlers focus on a particular shape and every few weeks they start over to reinforce the learning. Now, most of these kids have known their shapes for well over a year, but they still get a kick out of recognizing them everywhere they go.
This particular song is Abby's favorite. When she sees objects shaped as a square, circle, triangle, or rectangle she'll burst out singing the corresponding verse from this song. It's only Tuesday, but already the things that have triggered the singing of this song are: smiley faces, cheerios, pancakes, and the letter "O".... so, obviously the focus shape of this week is the circle! Last week, when studying the rectangle, seeing napkins, envelopes, and her blankie spurred the song.
How Can You Tell (tune "Frere Jacques" aka "Brother John")
This is a square, this is a square, How can you tell? How can you tell?
It has four sides, All the same size.
It's a Square, It's a Square.
This is a circle, this is a circle. How can you tell? How can you tell?
It goes round and round, No end can be found.
It's a circle, It's a circle.
This is a triangle, this is a triangle. How can you tell? How can you tell?
It only has three sides, That join to make three points.
It's a Triangle, It's a triangle.
This is a rectangle, this is a rectangle. How can you tell? How can you tell?
It has two short sides And it has two long sides.
It's a rectangle, It's a rectangle.
This particular song is Abby's favorite. When she sees objects shaped as a square, circle, triangle, or rectangle she'll burst out singing the corresponding verse from this song. It's only Tuesday, but already the things that have triggered the singing of this song are: smiley faces, cheerios, pancakes, and the letter "O".... so, obviously the focus shape of this week is the circle! Last week, when studying the rectangle, seeing napkins, envelopes, and her blankie spurred the song.
How Can You Tell (tune "Frere Jacques" aka "Brother John")
This is a square, this is a square, How can you tell? How can you tell?
It has four sides, All the same size.
It's a Square, It's a Square.
This is a circle, this is a circle. How can you tell? How can you tell?
It goes round and round, No end can be found.
It's a circle, It's a circle.
This is a triangle, this is a triangle. How can you tell? How can you tell?
It only has three sides, That join to make three points.
It's a Triangle, It's a triangle.
This is a rectangle, this is a rectangle. How can you tell? How can you tell?
It has two short sides And it has two long sides.
It's a rectangle, It's a rectangle.
Tuesday, December 01, 2009 |
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