Little Miss Kayleigh is as healthy as can be. She is finally talking and as suspected, she's jumping right into sentences. The "mamas" and "babas" are still rare, but we get a lot of "D'ere a go" ("There you go") and "I oh no" ("I don't know").
Like Abby, her first words are a mix of Chinese and English, whichever is easier to say:
Go-Go (dog), Yu (fish), Mao (cat), Diu (throw), more, thank you, ball, plane, moon, bird, baby, play, no, go, snow, cracker, sticker, bowl, juice, yogurt, apple....
She is growing up so fast. In a blink of an eye, she has transformed from a tiny, helpless baby to an individual with a very, very strong will and mind of her own.
Kayleigh always gets her way or will at least do everything in her power to try. From bounding up to you and giving you a snuggle and dimpled grin to smacking you and giving the evil eye, she is an unstoppable force. She has a bag of tricks and she knows how to strike.
Abby and Kayleigh get along great most of the time. Abby is an amazing older sister, kind, caring, willing to share. Kayleigh adores and admires Abby. We are currently going through the "whatever Abby has I want as well" phase and it's endlessly exhausting to keep coming up with new ways to redirect Kayleigh's attention.
Separation anxiety hasn't been an issue with Kayleigh. She goes down to bed without a fight at night (just need to say "night-night" and give her her teddy bears to snuggle with) and drop-off at daycare in the mornings isn't an issue (she lunges for her teacher and immediately turns to you with a grin, waving bye-bye).
She's strong, she's smart, and she's sweet.
(I felt so silly forgetting that Kayleigh needed a 15 month well-baby checkup. I showed up a month late and her doctor comforted me by saying it's the one checkup most parents forget about and if it's not for the first child it's almost always forgotten.)
16 Month Well-Baby Stats (8/19/11)
Ht: 32.25 inches (90th %-ile)
Wt: 21.2 lbs (25th %-ile)
HC: 17.5 inches (50th %-ile)
Shots: Hib, MMR
18 Month Well-Baby Stats (10/24/11)
Ht: 33.25 inches (90th %-ile)
Wt: 22.1 lbs (25th %-ile)
HC: 18.5 inches (50th %-ile)
Shots: HepA, Polio (IPV), DTaP, Flu
Ht: 32.25 inches (90th %-ile)
Wt: 21.2 lbs (25th %-ile)
HC: 17.5 inches (50th %-ile)
Shots: Hib, MMR
18 Month Well-Baby Stats (10/24/11)
Ht: 33.25 inches (90th %-ile)
Wt: 22.1 lbs (25th %-ile)
HC: 18.5 inches (50th %-ile)
Shots: HepA, Polio (IPV), DTaP, Flu
Sunday, October 30, 2011 |
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