It's depressing that the days are so much shorter now, but the up side to having to drive through darkness at the end of the day is that instead of listening to my girls fight over who gets to read "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" in the car, I get to hear Abby playing teacher and giving us very important lessons.
Tonight, Kayleigh and I got two lessons - one on sharing and one on policemen/safety.
Abby: Kayleigh, are you playing with the Barbie doll? If you're not, you should share. If you're not playing with something you need to share it with someone else because it's not nice to always hold onto something that you're not going to play with and not share.
Kayleigh, will you please share? Kayleigh! Listen to me! No, look at me! Is this a face that's a smiley face? I'm not very happy with you because you're not sharing.
[Of course, Kayleigh doesn't utter a sound in response, sucking contently on her pacifier. At that moment, a car merges in front of me and Abby gasps.]
Mama! That car just cut in line. That's not very nice at all and it can be dangerous! That person can get a police man's ticket for cutting in front of the line. You can also get a police man's ticket for driving really, really fast, right? Or if you cut in front of other people. It's not safe. If you don't follow the rules, the police will give you a police man's ticket and we don't want that, do we? Kayleigh, do you want me to teach you about safety? Pretend it's safety week and I'm teaching you about how the police keep people safe. If you are a bad, bad person, they put you in a locker. They also put lockers on your hands like this if you're bad. So, if I were bad, the police man can put a locker around my hands and lock me up forever! A police man also gives out police man tickets if you drive bad. If the car in front of you stops, you have to stop. If the car in front of you goes, you need to go. You also have to watch the lights. Red means stop, green means go, and yellow means go slow. Mama, I want to drive when I turn....ummm....7!
Me [first time Abby paused long enough for me to get a word in]: No driving until you're 15 or 16.
Abby: Oh, ok! 16 then. After I turn 16 I'll turn 17, then 18, then 19....And 19 is when you turn OLD!
Kayleigh is lounging on Paul's arm, making it difficult for Paul to eat his dinner. Abby explains to Kayleigh: Kayleigh, daddy is not furniture. People are not furniture; we talk.
Tonight, Kayleigh and I got two lessons - one on sharing and one on policemen/safety.
Abby: Kayleigh, are you playing with the Barbie doll? If you're not, you should share. If you're not playing with something you need to share it with someone else because it's not nice to always hold onto something that you're not going to play with and not share.
Kayleigh, will you please share? Kayleigh! Listen to me! No, look at me! Is this a face that's a smiley face? I'm not very happy with you because you're not sharing.
[Of course, Kayleigh doesn't utter a sound in response, sucking contently on her pacifier. At that moment, a car merges in front of me and Abby gasps.]
Mama! That car just cut in line. That's not very nice at all and it can be dangerous! That person can get a police man's ticket for cutting in front of the line. You can also get a police man's ticket for driving really, really fast, right? Or if you cut in front of other people. It's not safe. If you don't follow the rules, the police will give you a police man's ticket and we don't want that, do we? Kayleigh, do you want me to teach you about safety? Pretend it's safety week and I'm teaching you about how the police keep people safe. If you are a bad, bad person, they put you in a locker. They also put lockers on your hands like this if you're bad. So, if I were bad, the police man can put a locker around my hands and lock me up forever! A police man also gives out police man tickets if you drive bad. If the car in front of you stops, you have to stop. If the car in front of you goes, you need to go. You also have to watch the lights. Red means stop, green means go, and yellow means go slow. Mama, I want to drive when I turn....ummm....7!
Me [first time Abby paused long enough for me to get a word in]: No driving until you're 15 or 16.
Abby: Oh, ok! 16 then. After I turn 16 I'll turn 17, then 18, then 19....And 19 is when you turn OLD!
Kayleigh is lounging on Paul's arm, making it difficult for Paul to eat his dinner. Abby explains to Kayleigh: Kayleigh, daddy is not furniture. People are not furniture; we talk.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011 |
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Comments (1)
OMG this is hilarious. I love it when they try to order the younger one around. Elijah does this with his brother too. He'll try to give him instruction to make him move away from his toys, but then finally mumbles to himself "I can always turn on the ball popper...." and wonders off to turn that toy on. Natie has like a Pavlovian response to the ball popper turning on, so he drops elijah's toys and goes to busy himself with the ball catching, and Elijah is always pleased. :)