This past Thanksgiving we spent the long-weekend in Oklahoma City with Paul's brother Peter and his family.
It would be our first time meeting Baby Iylee, not yet 4 weeks old at the time of our visit. She was a doll!
Abby holding her newest cousin. Iylee is a champion sleeper. |
Abby and Annette huddled in Annette's room. These two spent hour upon hours playing on their own (Kayleigh joined them occasionally). |
Kayleigh struggling to throw a ball quick enough for the overly anxious Ayla. |
The girls gathering ingredients (pond scum) for a potion. |
Grandma mixed a batch of her special hot cocoa. Abby and Annette both were tremendously helpful.
And during down-times, the girls watched movies on the iPads...
...and we cuddled with the kitty cats. Jezebel was the most needy of a lap.
On the last day, we finally let Kayleigh hold Iylee for a brief time. She was thrilled! |
Note: Hickory smoked turkeys are delicious!
Monday, November 26, 2012 |
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