Over the last couple of days, a very hot debate has been in the news regarding the popular social-networking site, Facebook, requesting that some photos of breastfeeding moms be removed due to user complaints.

If you have not heard about this issue, you can read about it in here in the NY Daily Post.

I was listening to the radio call-ins this morning regarding this issue and I heard mom after mom call in expressing anger at Facebook for their discriminating action against women. Apparently, a protest is even in progress by these angered women, joining a Facebook group called "Hey, Facebook, breastfeeding is not obscene!"

Appalled at the blatant over-reaction by these women and what will probably turn into another stupid lawsuit in human history, I actually missed my exit on my way to work!

My goodness, Facebook is by no means implying that breastfeeding is obscene. Most photos of moms nursing their babies are still allowed to be posted on Facebook, but the photos depicting too much boob and nipple - and note: which have been complained about by other users - have been requested for removal. I should think that that would be considered acting responsibly and all moms ought to be grateful that Facebook is responding to complaints to what may be considered, if not offensive content, then content that makes others uncomfortable.

I nursed my daughter for over a year and understand that in this time in history we are still building more social acceptance of breastfeeding. All moms should feel comfortable choosing between bottlefeeding and nursing, but in advocating breastfeeding, some women have really gone overboard and the slightest suggestion of a breastfeeding ban turns them berserk!

All I want to say is: Chill! Breastfeeding is a beautiful and natural process, yes, but it is also a private moment. Just as picking my teeth is a natural process (and some may consider a well-picked tooth gap a beautiful thing), I do not do it in public. Though when it's necessary, I cover up.

Comments (2)

On January 8, 2009 at 4:14 AM , Anonymous said...


Great mind must think alike.

On January 8, 2009 at 8:09 AM , Anonymous said...

I agree...I am currently nursing Mackenzie and have a wonderful cover up that I use anytime I'm nursing around other people. But if I know even that will make people uncomfortable, I simply go to another room. There's no reason for me to force them to be uncomfortable to feed my child. People do go way off the deep end when it comes to this issue. And it really shouldn't be an issue!