Abigail turns the big Oh-One today and I have been reflecting on the developmental milestones she hit between 6 months and a year.
First "Mama!" - 2/2/08
Learns to wave and say "bye-bye" - 2/7/08
Second tooth - 2/9/08
Pulls self up to standing - 3/16/08
Crawling - 3/20/08
Learns to sit up from laying down - 3/21/08
Learns to sit down from stand - 3/25/08
Understands and uses sign for "all done!" - 4/1/08
Cruising - 4/25/08
Puts objects in and takes them out of containers; understands nesting cups - 5/8/08
Third and fourth teeth (upper teeth) - 5/21/08
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