In our household very, very friendly, clingy cats reside. Below are examples of what you may experience if you were to, say, come over for dinner.
Belle has always - since kittenhood - liked to ride Paul's shoulders.
It's not so funny anymore now that she's 20 pounds!
Just kidding!
We would never subject any of our welcomed house guests to this sort of behavior from our kitties. They are cats after all and tend to be shy around visitors. I only thought it would be fun to share the sort of inconvenience Paul has to endure every now and then at the dinner table.

It's not so funny anymore now that she's 20 pounds!

We would never subject any of our welcomed house guests to this sort of behavior from our kitties. They are cats after all and tend to be shy around visitors. I only thought it would be fun to share the sort of inconvenience Paul has to endure every now and then at the dinner table.
Saturday, October 10, 2009 |
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