Today's non-stress test confirms that baby continues to be doing very well.
The doctor did a cervix check this week and found out I'm 4 cm dilated and 90-95% effaced. Based on my history with Abby's birth where I went from 4cm to 10cm and delivered in about 2 hours, she decided to warn the two doctors on-call this weekend that if they heard from me, drive straight to the hospital.
As with Abby's birth, I do not have any painful contractions. However, I was induced with Abby and when I had reached 4 cm then, the nurses broke my water to help labor progress. That was when I really felt painful contractions, which resulted in my requesting an epidural. Abby's birth was full of interventions, although everything turned out well. I am hoping that if I can go into labor naturally this time, I may not need to have an epidural. Although I'm not opposed to epidurals or other methods of pain relief, I just believe less medication is better for everyone overall and if there's no need for the medication, why do it?
The only pain I feel so far are from pressure on joints and the baby sitting on my sciatic nerve every now and then...more of a discomfort, really.
The doctor feels strongly that I will deliver this weekend. I am not putting much faith in the prediction because more than one doctor believed Abby was going to be born 2 weeks earlier than she was. This is deja vu.
Paul is drilling this weekend with the Navy Reserves and it is a drill he really can not make up or miss, so he's pretty nervous.
I am not looking forward to being the watched pot from now until baby's born, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the baby will arrive sooner rather than later.
Monday sounds like a good day. What do you think?
The doctor did a cervix check this week and found out I'm 4 cm dilated and 90-95% effaced. Based on my history with Abby's birth where I went from 4cm to 10cm and delivered in about 2 hours, she decided to warn the two doctors on-call this weekend that if they heard from me, drive straight to the hospital.
As with Abby's birth, I do not have any painful contractions. However, I was induced with Abby and when I had reached 4 cm then, the nurses broke my water to help labor progress. That was when I really felt painful contractions, which resulted in my requesting an epidural. Abby's birth was full of interventions, although everything turned out well. I am hoping that if I can go into labor naturally this time, I may not need to have an epidural. Although I'm not opposed to epidurals or other methods of pain relief, I just believe less medication is better for everyone overall and if there's no need for the medication, why do it?
The only pain I feel so far are from pressure on joints and the baby sitting on my sciatic nerve every now and then...more of a discomfort, really.
The doctor feels strongly that I will deliver this weekend. I am not putting much faith in the prediction because more than one doctor believed Abby was going to be born 2 weeks earlier than she was. This is deja vu.
Paul is drilling this weekend with the Navy Reserves and it is a drill he really can not make up or miss, so he's pretty nervous.
I am not looking forward to being the watched pot from now until baby's born, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the baby will arrive sooner rather than later.
Monday sounds like a good day. What do you think?
Friday, April 09, 2010 |
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Comments (1)
this is so exciting....i am sure paul doesn't want to leave u alone though..hopefully the baby will wait for him to come back