When Abby was 100 days old, I draped a bed sheet over the couch and the Boppy pillow and we had a lot of fun taking some photos. So, I decided to do the same with Kayleigh.

The 100 days birthday is celebrated by some Chinese. I believe the tradition carried over from ancient times when it was difficult for babies in certain regions to live 100 days, so when they reached the milestone, a celebration was in order. Modern days, it's just another excuse to celebrate the birth of a precious bundle of joy.

I believe that by 100 days a baby reaches that ultimate baby cuteness that lasts through babyhood. Newborns are cute because they're small and we see their cuteness potential, but they are often wrinkly, jaundiced, pimply bumps on a log. It takes several weeks before they start plumping up, waking up, and interacting with the world, which is when they become really cute.

By now, Kayleigh has already laughed and giggled out loud, rolled over from back to tummy (7/18), has great neck support/head control, and is capable of sleeping more than 7 hours straight at night, though she doesn't do it consistently....and she definitely likes boys. Her favorite people - the ones she smiles at and laughs for the most - are her gong-gong (my dad) and her daddy.

Comments (2)

On July 22, 2010 at 11:04 AM , Joyce said...

i have never heard of the 100 day thing till i moved to the US. but i agree with u....100 days is when babies are cutest :)

On July 31, 2010 at 7:18 AM , Holly Kim said...

It's a Korean tradition for sure! We had a huge celebration for Leilani with all of her Korean family members. It was a whole new concept for me. I loved the whole idea of the rice cake and foods that had so much meaning. Yes, you're right, it has to do with babies not living very long back in the day. It' a huge milestone and such a fun part of their infancy. Your pics are fantastic!