So, this cardboard playhouse that she and Kayleigh can color and play in is about the most perfect gift a 3.5 year old can receive. This was a very early birthday gift from our good friends, the Fishers. With the amount of house to color, she still may not come close to having it completely colored and decorated by her birthday in July!

This is the Discovery Kids Color Me Play House. What we love about it is that the graphics are not terribly intricate and complicated, yet they're really, really cute. For the level of coloring and sticker-fying that Abby does, it is perfect. The front and backs are identical, with doors, mailboxes, windows, and lights, so that one side can be Abby's (labeled 'Abby's Cottage') and the other can be Kayleigh's - well thought out for 2 kids.

Kayleigh has been observing Abby, her dad, and me coloring this house and she has been eager to join the fun. For the past couple of days, every time she gets her hands on a marker or pen, she races for the play house and attempts to scribble. We loved how she kept turning the marker around to find the tip!
Saturday, February 26, 2011 |
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Comments (2)
What a fabulous gift for your daughters -- and for you. With that house to color on there should be no temptation to color on your walls. Win/win!
Great pictures. And you have a beautiful daughter.
Stopping by from SITS.
It looks like Abby is doing such a careful job coloring her house! How adorable!