A couple of weeks ago my neck locked up and I was completely unable to turn my head or move it up or down. This happened in the middle of the day, triggered by an intense 3 hours of software debugging, hunched over my keyboard in anticipation of getting a major integration piece in place. (The code was working perfectly by lunchtime.)
Driving home that evening, with no neck mobility was scary and excruciating. My mom came over to examine me and help me with massage, but she immediately noticed a significant amount of swelling on my right side, so she encouraged me to either talk to my doctor or see my chiropractor friend. I was unable to lift my head to look at my parents and couldn't lay down because my neck couldn't support the weight of my head in the process of lying down!
I called the doctor the next day and he pushed me to see the chiropractor instead, saying he would not be able to do much for sprains or alignment issues.
It was Friday. I got my first treatment that afternoon and got two more over the weekend. After just the Friday treatment I was in significantly less pain and was gaining more left and right range of motion. By Monday, I could move my neck again with minimal pain. Over the last two weeks I've continued to recover and with 2 more treatments, I am now feeling BETTER than ever before.
Since I struggle with tightness in my neck and shoulders - due to carrying a toddler and my posture as I do my job - I need to work on taking more breaks throughout the day. I have also decided to see the chiropractor more regularly as a means to prevent something like this from happening again.
This is a chiropractic activator. It is what my chiropractor primarily uses. Rarely will she use the manual method of adjustment because this provides more precise stimulant to the areas that need it. Three years ago, the activator method cured my back problem that prevented me from carrying Abby, who was then a toddler. Back then we were still living in DC and I saw doctor after doctor for the problem. For three months was on pain-killers and muscle-relaxers which did absolutely nothing to help my condition. Coming to Colorado for Christmas, my mom took me to see her friend, the chiropractor, and she was able to fix me up in 2 completely painless treatments. I sound like some sort of advertisement for chiropractic therapy, but I've been converted a to true believer in its ability to help the body perform (and heal) more optimally.
Abby was so funny about my recent neck issue. She tried to make me feel better, saying, "It's ok you can't turn your neck. At least we're not owls and need to turn our necks ALL the way around!"
Driving home that evening, with no neck mobility was scary and excruciating. My mom came over to examine me and help me with massage, but she immediately noticed a significant amount of swelling on my right side, so she encouraged me to either talk to my doctor or see my chiropractor friend. I was unable to lift my head to look at my parents and couldn't lay down because my neck couldn't support the weight of my head in the process of lying down!
I called the doctor the next day and he pushed me to see the chiropractor instead, saying he would not be able to do much for sprains or alignment issues.
It was Friday. I got my first treatment that afternoon and got two more over the weekend. After just the Friday treatment I was in significantly less pain and was gaining more left and right range of motion. By Monday, I could move my neck again with minimal pain. Over the last two weeks I've continued to recover and with 2 more treatments, I am now feeling BETTER than ever before.
Since I struggle with tightness in my neck and shoulders - due to carrying a toddler and my posture as I do my job - I need to work on taking more breaks throughout the day. I have also decided to see the chiropractor more regularly as a means to prevent something like this from happening again.

This is a chiropractic activator. It is what my chiropractor primarily uses. Rarely will she use the manual method of adjustment because this provides more precise stimulant to the areas that need it. Three years ago, the activator method cured my back problem that prevented me from carrying Abby, who was then a toddler. Back then we were still living in DC and I saw doctor after doctor for the problem. For three months was on pain-killers and muscle-relaxers which did absolutely nothing to help my condition. Coming to Colorado for Christmas, my mom took me to see her friend, the chiropractor, and she was able to fix me up in 2 completely painless treatments. I sound like some sort of advertisement for chiropractic therapy, but I've been converted a to true believer in its ability to help the body perform (and heal) more optimally.
Abby was so funny about my recent neck issue. She tried to make me feel better, saying, "It's ok you can't turn your neck. At least we're not owls and need to turn our necks ALL the way around!"
Wednesday, November 23, 2011 |
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