We met with Abigail's lead teacher today for a Parent-Teacher conference. Abigail's report card is detailed below. An "A" represents that she "Always" performs the skill, "S" represents "Sometimes", and "N" represents "Not Exhibiting". She has made great achievements and is exhibiting all skills, some of which aren't expected of infants her age.

Despite a very pretty report card, we did confirm that Abigail needs to work on sharing with others and touching nicely, rather than hitting. We will also be owing the Seppys a few dinners as we learned that Abby likes to crawl to Ryan's crib and shake it to wake him up - Aaaagh!!

Language Arts:
  1. A - Listens and responds to voices
  2. A - Repeats vowel sounds and first syllables
  3. A - Babbles for attention
  4. A - Responds to name
Sensory Stimulation:
  1. A - Follows a toy with eyes
  2. A - Responds to visual change
  3. A - Responds to auditory stimulation (music)
  4. S - Responds to tactile stimulation
Cognitive Development:
  1. A - Focuses eyes for increasing time span
  2. A - Recognizes familiar voices
  3. A - Displays memory
  4. A - Observes own hands and feet
  5. A - Shows preference
  6. A - Seeks a missing object
  7. A - Recognizes familiar objects
Creative Art:
  1. A - Enjoys tactile experience
  2. S - Observes own product
  3. S - Recognizes own product
Motor Skills:
  1. A - Holds object in one hand
  2. A - Controls body movement
  3. A - Sits supported for increasing time span
  4. A - Reaches for object with tow hands
  5. A - Begins to crawl
  6. S - Rolls over (front to back)
  7. A - Kicks legs and waves arms
  1. A - Responds to rhythm and tempo
  2. A - Enjoys listening to music
  3. A - Responds to soothing tones
Self-Help/Life Skills:
  1. A - Calms self with toy
  2. A - Moves to assist feeding or diaper changes
  3. A - Tongue thrusts and withdraws for spoon
  4. A - Verbalizes needs
  5. A - Holds bottle or cup
  6. A - Reaches to be held
Teacher's Note: "The first day of school Abigail had a great day, but she didn't want to participate in some of the activities. For example she didn't like tummy time; standing while holding the bar. After few weeks, she started to stand while holding the bar, pulled herself up, and during tummy time we saw her crawling. Now she is saying words like "mama", "dada", "book", and "bye bye". She enjoys dancing, singing and clapping her hands to music. She is having a great time; we are happy that she is learning everyday and enjoy spending time with her."

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