The weather in Maryland was beautiful today. High-70s, somewhat low humidity, and a gentle breeze. A mix of large, poofy white clouds and dark ominous ones, broken up by patches of bright blue sky. It would have been criminal to not take advantage of the great outdoors.
Riding in the Croozer allows Abby to bring along many toys to keep her occupied.
Here's a peek at a very well-behaved, content baby.
So, we went to the Kentlands for a stroll around the neighborhood, met up with Ingemar, Olya, and Elijah for lunch at a little cafe, then sauntered through the neighborhood for another hour or so. They showed us the Kentlands mansion and Art Barn - easily the most advertised locations in the Kentlands community, but we have never been able to find them during our many walks....silly, really.
Water Damage
1 day ago
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