A couple of years ago, my office had a Diversity Day event where several of us brought in various types of beverages for everyone to try - bubble tea, chai, jasmine tea, coffee, etc. I did an online search and found a really easy recipe for Mexican Hot Chocolate, so I tailored it to make it easy for transporting to the office and made a big batch. To my pleasant surprise, it was delicious and was a HUGE hit at the office!
Mexican Hot Chocolate
(based off of this recipe)

1 packet (approx. 3 tablespoons) any instant hot chocolate mix
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 pinch chili powder
1/2 vanilla tablet, crushed (optional)
6-8 oz. hot water
1 tablespoon chocolate syrup
half-and-half creamer, to taste

In a mug, mix the hot chocolate mix, cinnamon, and chili powder. Add hot water. Stir in chocolate syrup and creamer.

You can easily make a batch of the mix (first 4 ingredients) so it's conveniently available as an alternative to the morning coffee. In fact, use hot coffee instead of hot water to make Spiced Mocha! Use sugar-free hot chocoloate mixes and sugar-free chocolate syrup for a low-carb alternative.

If you do not want to go through the trouble of making this super-easy mix, Nestle has a product called Abuelita Mexican Hot Chocolate, which is pretty fantastic. Abuelita tablets are blended with hot milk for a more authentic, frothy chocolate drink. However, Abuelita is also available in instant mix packets.

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