The Cure-All Ointment is really what Simmons Paw Paw Ointment ought to be called. Paw Paw - I found out - is what the papaya fruit is called in Australia/New Zealand.
My brother recently spent some time in Australia and brought home a tub of Lucas' Paw Paw Ointment. He wanted us to try it on Abby to see if it could help her eczema condition. Apparently, EVERYONE in Australia uses Paw Paw Ointment for just about EVERYTHING related to the skin. Sounded like quite an exaggeration, so I Googled it and found this:
Papaw or Papaya we all know as a delicious fruit, but the beneficial qualities of Papaw greatly aid the skin.
Lucas Papaw Ointment may be used as a local topical application on the following:
Abscesses and boils
Bruises and burns
Carbuncles and chafings
Cuts and cysts
Dry and Cracked skin on hands and feet
Gravel rash and heat rash
Insect stings and mosquito bites
Open wounds and pimples
Scalds and sunburn
Swelling associated with injury
Splinters and thorns
Tinea and whitlow
Nappy rash and cracked nipples
Temporary relief of the symptoms of dermatitis and eczemaWe tried it on Abby's legs and within a couple of days, we found her legs to be as soft and moist as I could have ever possibly dreamed! And this just after moving to Colorado in November with its 0% humidity.
I was convinced...however, I wanted to find a different version of the Paw Paw Ointment which did not contain Petroleum Jelly. I figure the less non-natural stuff she ingests, the better. Since the will be applied all over he body, including face and hands, she was sure to get some in her mouth sooner or later.
We found Simmons Paw Paw Ointment online at
ecobabe.com.au for a fantastic price, even with shipping/handling to the U.S. I ordered 2 tubs.
Simmons' all-natural ingredients are:
51mg/g fresh fermented pawpaw Rhus succedanea wax, glycerine, canola oil, hydrogenated castor oil, beeswax, corn starch
Abby's eczema has not returned at all on her arms and hands. She still has a habit of scratching her knees if they're exposed, so sometimes she will get a rash after a scratch during a diaper change, but liberal Paw Paw application or a small amount of 1% hydrocortisone takes care of it immediately.
She recently had a bad diaper rash incident because of cheap diapers and the rash wouldn't go away with our normal Desitin or Boudreaux's Butt Paste. It got to the point where she ended up with painful blisters. Two applications of the Paw Paw Ointment and the blisters were healed! The rash had completely disappeared after just ONE application.
I have been using the Ointment for chapped lips, dry cuticles and knuckles, and bags under my eyes! The stuff is fantastic.
What I like most about Simmons' vs Lucas' Paw Paw ointment is that it smells delicious - not so Vaseline/Carmex-y - and it is a softer consistency that absorbs into the skin a lot quicker, which is essential with a toddler constantly on the go.
Maybe Santa will bring us a couple of tubs of Simmons Paw Paw Ointment for Christmas this year.
Saturday, December 13, 2008 |