Cuties are great! These little golf-ball sized clementine oranges are always super juicy and sweet, easy to peel, and seedless. Last Sunday, Abby saw a display of them at the grocery store and got very, very excited. So much so that we got a box for her.
It was addiction at first bite. We could not keep up with how fast she was shoving them in her mouth. Thank goodness they're easy to peel.
That first night, she consumed 7 oranges. We restricted her to 2, but fit after fit and endless crying made us cave one orange at a time until she was finally satisfied at 7. Seven!! We thought we would end up with tummy issues that night, but we lucked out.
Her first verb-noun combination of Chinese was heard that night, too. A very distinct "Buo Ji!" as she points towards the kitchen. An attempt to say, "buo ju" which means "peel orange!"

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