I had a prenatal checkup today. I have been having an appointment once a week since I started effacing at 33 weeks.
Everything is looking great. Baby's heart rate is 144 bpm and she is moving around well.
As for delivery progress, baby's at 0 station (engaged). I am 70% effaced and 1cm dilated. What does all that mean? Absolutely nothing except that when I do go into labor, there's less work. I like trying to be efficient. :)
Everything is looking great. Baby's heart rate is 144 bpm and she is moving around well.
As for delivery progress, baby's at 0 station (engaged). I am 70% effaced and 1cm dilated. What does all that mean? Absolutely nothing except that when I do go into labor, there's less work. I like trying to be efficient. :)
Friday, March 19, 2010 |
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Comments (1)
Cecilia! I want to see pictures of you :)