This little girl is determined to be non-cooperative.
During our 20 week ultrasound, we were never able to get a good 3D photo of her face because she kept putting a hand up in the way. So, when I had my 36 week ultrasound last Friday, the technician and I were ecstatic to see her in a position to get a good face shot. She immediately switched to the 3D/4D "wand" and during those 5 seconds, the baby must have heard us and thought, "Ha ha, no way am I going to give them the satisfaction of getting a good picture of me!" and up went one hand - and later, the other - to hide her face!
Anyway, the ultrasound was to measure her size and I'm happy to report she's measuring almost textbook size for 36 weeks at 6 lbs 5 ozs, which is in the 51st percentile.
During this appointment, I actually ended up with 2 ultrasounds. The first to measure her size and the second to take a biological profile. I was taking a non-stress test which was 20 minutes of feeling the baby move and measuring her heart rate. If she moves, the heart rate should not drop. Well, everything looked pretty good, but the doctor felt like the baby was moving around so much that she couldn't get a baseline for what her heart rate would be at rest, so it was either another 20 minutes hooked up to the non-stress test machine or sneak in for an ultrasound biological profile. My 1 hour doctor's appointment lasted 4 and the result was that the baby is in perfect health and her environment looks great.
Last week, they tested for the Group B Strep bacteria and results came back negative, thank goodness.
The baby is head-down still and I am making a little bit more progress, but not much - 80% effaced and a little over 1 cm dilated. So, it looks like this little one will still bake for a few more weeks.
During our 20 week ultrasound, we were never able to get a good 3D photo of her face because she kept putting a hand up in the way. So, when I had my 36 week ultrasound last Friday, the technician and I were ecstatic to see her in a position to get a good face shot. She immediately switched to the 3D/4D "wand" and during those 5 seconds, the baby must have heard us and thought, "Ha ha, no way am I going to give them the satisfaction of getting a good picture of me!" and up went one hand - and later, the other - to hide her face!
Anyway, the ultrasound was to measure her size and I'm happy to report she's measuring almost textbook size for 36 weeks at 6 lbs 5 ozs, which is in the 51st percentile.
During this appointment, I actually ended up with 2 ultrasounds. The first to measure her size and the second to take a biological profile. I was taking a non-stress test which was 20 minutes of feeling the baby move and measuring her heart rate. If she moves, the heart rate should not drop. Well, everything looked pretty good, but the doctor felt like the baby was moving around so much that she couldn't get a baseline for what her heart rate would be at rest, so it was either another 20 minutes hooked up to the non-stress test machine or sneak in for an ultrasound biological profile. My 1 hour doctor's appointment lasted 4 and the result was that the baby is in perfect health and her environment looks great.
Last week, they tested for the Group B Strep bacteria and results came back negative, thank goodness.
The baby is head-down still and I am making a little bit more progress, but not much - 80% effaced and a little over 1 cm dilated. So, it looks like this little one will still bake for a few more weeks.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010 |
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