In preschool, the kids create stories as part of their lesson plan. This is a story that Abby made up in class the other day. Her teacher wrote it down for us:
My mom makes cookie dough. I put sprinkles on it. I use sugar, salt and pepper. I put in 5 chocolate chips. Put it in the oven and it bakes for two minutes. Take them out of the oven and I eat it!
Not bad, eh?
I'm finding preschoolhood to be a really fun time. Abby is all of a sudden a lot more imaginative, silly, responsible, empathetic, head strong, and so much more grown up.
Oh, yes, those are high heels she is wearing in the picture above. Whenever we're home, she tries to be in her heels and necklace, despite the fact that the slippers make her feet hurt. A crown is on her head maybe 25% of the time because they just don't stay on very well. We're never at a loss for silliness.
Monday, August 02, 2010 |
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