Kayleigh had another great checkup yesterday. She is doing beautifully. We have been advised that Kayleigh can start solid foods if she is showing interest, which she is. I think we will probably wait another month and then start giving her some cereals and fruits. She has already had licks of a few things and we get to see her make some of the funniest faces when she tries something new, so we will certainly have some good laughs when we start introducing solids.
Kayleigh had 4 shots yesterday (Polio, DTap, Hib, Prevnar) plus the oral Rotavirus vaccine. So, today, she was a bit groggy and had a slight fever. With a tiny bit of infant Tylenol, though, she is all better.
Kayleigh had 4 shots yesterday (Polio, DTap, Hib, Prevnar) plus the oral Rotavirus vaccine. So, today, she was a bit groggy and had a slight fever. With a tiny bit of infant Tylenol, though, she is all better.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010 |
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Comments (1)
Kayleigh certainly wears hats well!