She's starting to be able to play with Abby more and older sister is very much enjoying that. However, at times, Kayleigh is still just a doll to her.
Kayleigh is sitting up very well now and can look up and down and all around without falling over as easily. She is still wobbly when cats come close because she gets very, very excited and loses concentration.
She has 2 teeth at the bottom now and with copious amounts of drooling, the doctor and we all believe she will be getting her upper 4 quite soon.
Kayleigh is still not sleeping through the night as much as we would like. She goes to bed at 8PM and wakes at 11:00PM, 3:00AM, and 6:30AM for feedings. We're trying to work on having her drop the 3:00 AM feeding/waking, but it's a lot easier said than done. We have tried every recommended method for dropping feedings, prolonging sleep, and eliminating any sort of night-time sleep issues. Nothing is working so far! Fortunately, she's still the happiest baby we could possibly ask for.
Immunization shots this time included DTaP, Hib, Prevnar, Rotavirus, and half a dose of the flu. The second dose of the flu shot will be given in 4 weeks. She had a slight fever the night she got her shots, but it was quickly remedied with a dose of infant Tylenol drops.

6 Month Checkup Stats (10/13/10)
Height: 27 7/8 inches (97th %-ile)
Weight: 15 lbs 10.5 ozs (50th %-ile)
Head Circumference: 16.5 inches (40th %-ile)
Height: 27 7/8 inches (97th %-ile)
Weight: 15 lbs 10.5 ozs (50th %-ile)
Head Circumference: 16.5 inches (40th %-ile)
Thursday, October 14, 2010 |
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