Do you remember how exciting it always was to go on a school field trip? A day that is outside the norm and breaks the monotony of sitting in the same old classroom. I always enjoyed field trips, but I was lucky to have attended schools that took us to really interesting places.
I got these photos from Abby's teachers back in September 2011. Abby went on her very first school field trip with her Pre-K class.
When kids turn 4 they are finally allowed to ride a school bus and venture off school grounds.

The kids loved the field trip to the local public library and each got to pick a book to check out and bring back to the classroom to share with their friends.

The library field trip is one they do regularly and often - about every other week. The other regular field trip these kids enjoy is to the LifeCare center, conveniently located across the parking lot from their school. They always enjoy going there to see their "grown up friends" - LifeCare is a nursing home/assisted living center and they always arrange for artsy-crafty or reading type activities that the kids and residents can all participate in together.
Otherwise, there are a couple of special trips they do throughout the year, such as visiting a pumpkin patch and hay maze during the Fall.
I got these photos from Abby's teachers back in September 2011. Abby went on her very first school field trip with her Pre-K class.

The kids loved the field trip to the local public library and each got to pick a book to check out and bring back to the classroom to share with their friends.

The library field trip is one they do regularly and often - about every other week. The other regular field trip these kids enjoy is to the LifeCare center, conveniently located across the parking lot from their school. They always enjoy going there to see their "grown up friends" - LifeCare is a nursing home/assisted living center and they always arrange for artsy-crafty or reading type activities that the kids and residents can all participate in together.
Otherwise, there are a couple of special trips they do throughout the year, such as visiting a pumpkin patch and hay maze during the Fall.
Sunday, March 11, 2012 |
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