Our Belle-Belle is really having a rough few months. Since she started on immunosuppressants earlier in the year we knew we needed to be cautious with her since she would be more susceptible to infections.
When she dropper her weight near 20 pounds, we were very happy for her and we even started to mix dry foods into her diet to give her a variety. But we began to notice that she ate less and less - to the point of concern.
Our vet informed us that with the diabetic wet food she was on, the high protein meant she would be fuller much quicker, but we went from feeding her two full cans a day where she would polish off every last morsel, to only giving her half a can twice a day, plus dry food and she would not eat half of what we put down for her.
Then she started to reject taking her pills and we noticed that a few small bumps were starting to show up on her skin.
Naturally, we had to take her in for a checkup. She is now on a feline formulated Cyclosporine (similar to the immunosuppressant she had been taking, but supposedly more palatable for kitties) and is being treated for severe gum infection.
Poor kitty!! No wonder she hadn't been eating well. She is just 19 pounds now.
With a shot of antibiotics and medicine for the rest of the week, we hope she'll overcome her infection soon. She will go in for another checkup next Monday.
Monday, March 26, 2012 |
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