It's so strange that this terror of a kitten bites and claws Paul, me, and our other cats, yet somehow knows to grin and bear it with Abby and Kayleigh. He is especially tolerant of Kayleigh, who loves him a little too much...or perhaps his survival instincts are tell him to just go limp and harmonize with his environment.
Abby has been so great with the kitten and only wishes he would stay in her lap longer. Unfortunately, Kayleigh usually comes up and snatches Puck out of Abby's lap the second he gets settled.
Abby has been so great with the kitten and only wishes he would stay in her lap longer. Unfortunately, Kayleigh usually comes up and snatches Puck out of Abby's lap the second he gets settled.
Friday, August 17, 2012 |
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