From left: Gwen, Abby, Kayleigh, Cameron, and Kim
Our good friends came over tonight for dinner.  Kim's husband is going to school in D.C. as part of his Air Force Reserves duty and Kim is single-parenting for the next 18 months!  On the rare occasion when Paul has been gone for a long business trip, I know how difficult it can be, especially with strong-willed girls of this age.  So, I admire Kim so much for what she is doing, keeping her cool and ever-present smile, while also juggling school full-time herself. 

We like getting together for casual dinners on the weekend and allowing our kids to work off some energy together.  Most importantly, it's nice to have someone who is understanding when our conversations can sometimes take 15 minutes to complete a thread because we have to deal with kids-related interruptions. 

These girls have been buddies for as long as they can remember and we want to make sure they continue this friendship for as long as possible.

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