Let's start with the dislikes since the list is shorter: I am used to the Ergo and Yamo where there is no fussing with a harness to put baby in. Getting the baby in a front or back carry involves a few extra steps with the BB. Rather than the baby always resting her cheeks on soft straps when she falls asleep, her face can end up rubbing against the webbing or buckles. The hood is not attached, so if you need it while it's stowed away in the waist strap sleeve, you need to fumble with it to attach before use. That's it!
I thought the added harness and built-in infant insert of the BB would make the carrier too hot with baby in it, but so far, I have used it in 90+ degree weather and I can not feel the difference. In fact, I swear it adds an extra layer of protection between me and my "portable space heater," so that Abby doesn't actually feel as hot against me as she normally does!
Now for the likes: This carrier is by FAR the most comfortable for me and I have NO complaints about the Ergo or Yamo. The BB is just a few degrees MORE comfortable. There are more straps, yes, but it means it can be adjusted better for comfort. Abby does not like to be carried tight against me, but I need the straps tight to distribute the weight properly across my back and down to the hips instead of on one shoulder or another. The BB allows me to adjust the distance of Abby from my body, totally separate from the shoulder strap adjustment. The straps - containing a special foam - are curved to add amazing comfort. I like the longer body of the BB for giving Abby more support when she sleeps. The hood is actually better support than the Ergo's hood, which has always been too big for Abby. The hood is similar to the Yamo's support, but putting the hood up is done with quieter buckles. Finally, I feel so much more comfortable putting Abby in a back carry with the BB than with any of the other carriers because of its added safety features.
All three of these soft structured carriers are wonderful and I still can't decide which one I would give up if I had to sell one.
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