We have been working with Abby on saying "Please" when she requests something and she has been very consistently doing so. She doesn't actually say the word, but she uses the sign for it that her teachers at daycare taught the babies.
Yesterday, I was getting ready to change her diaper. I had the mat down, the diaper unfolded, the wipes container open, but no Abby. She had walked between the ottoman and couch to hide from me.
"Come here for a diaper change, Abby."
She shakes her head.
"Come over here." Points to the mat. "I need to change your diaper."
She shakes her head.
Sighing because I realized I would have to go grab her now, I tried one more time.
"Abby, it's diaper time. Come over here!"
She grins.
She signs "Please."
I was stunned.
I asked, "PLEASE come here for a diaper change?"
She immediately got down, crawled over to me, and let me change her diaper without a fight.
We really have to start watching ourselves now. She is picking up EVERYTHING!
Cool, huh?!

Yesterday, I was getting ready to change her diaper. I had the mat down, the diaper unfolded, the wipes container open, but no Abby. She had walked between the ottoman and couch to hide from me.
"Come here for a diaper change, Abby."
She shakes her head.
"Come over here." Points to the mat. "I need to change your diaper."
She shakes her head.
Sighing because I realized I would have to go grab her now, I tried one more time.
"Abby, it's diaper time. Come over here!"
She grins.
She signs "Please."
I was stunned.
I asked, "PLEASE come here for a diaper change?"
She immediately got down, crawled over to me, and let me change her diaper without a fight.
We really have to start watching ourselves now. She is picking up EVERYTHING!
Cool, huh?!

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