We went to Abby's last well-baby at Bethesda Naval Medical Hospital on October 6th. She is healthy. She is thin. Tall. Very tall! Her vocabulary is excellent. Her emotional and physical development looks good. Seasonal allergies seem to be causing her sometimes puffy eyes and is probably causing her eczema to flare up. She still hates otoscopes.

Weight: 20.6 lbs (10th %-ile)
Length: 33.5 inches (100th %-ile - off the chart)
Head Circumference: 46.5 cm (50th %-ile)
Weight: 20.6 lbs (10th %-ile)
Length: 33.5 inches (100th %-ile - off the chart)
Head Circumference: 46.5 cm (50th %-ile)
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