We think that by letting her take her blankie to school - and allowing her to drag it everywhere with her throughout the day - probably put her in this predicament, but she needed the comfort.
I spent a good 2 hours yesterday fighting with Tricare Medical Insurance, though. See, Tricare is managed by three different companies, depending on your region. In MD, we belonged to the Tricare North region. Moving to CO, we are now in Tricare West. Our benefits do not transfer without a change of address in DEERS (military personnel database, which is NOT accessible online) and a whole lot of paperwork and waiting.
Abby needed to get antibiotics ASAP - even though her pinkeye is more likely viral - or she would not be allowed to return to daycare. We needed a prescription, but we couldn't see any providers in CO!!! After calling Tricare North, Tricare West, then Tricare North again, plus Abby's primary care doctor, we finally determined that we would disenroll in Tricare Prime - which forced us to only go to Military Treatment Facilities - and drop to Tricare Standard, which will allow us to go to any Tricare provider we find, but need to put up with co-pays.
Right before I went to pick Abby up, I was able to get a hold of Abby's doctor at Bethesda and since pinkeye is not really something you need to see a doctor for, she was happy to call a local pharmacy for me and put in a prescription for an ointment that will help with Abby's condition.
Abby insisted on having a balloon when we went to pick-up her prescription, so Grandma got her one. :)
Anyway, Abby is doing just fine. By this morning, her eye is no longer red. It is still a bit teary and the area around the eye is a little puffy from her rubbing it, but she seems a lot better.
I am staying home with her today and laundering everything that has touched her face.
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