I don't know what my problem is, but I can never stick with a blog template. Part of the problem is I just like trying out new code and playing with HTML. If Blogger puts out a new template, I'll try it out just to see what I can customize. :)

Every time I find a new template, I think, "Well, this will do for now..." Nothing ever jumped out at me to say, "Oh, this is it! This look defines my blog!"

At one time, I considered designing my own elements to piece together a look for my blog, but that takes time, sufficient creativity, and knowledge to use a somewhat sophisticated graphics editing software. I never overcame the time hurdle, let alone the other two.

Well, today I changed the look of my blog again and for the first time, I feel somewhat excited about the look and have a tingly feeling that suggests I might keep this template....with a few minor tweaks....for longer than the other templates.

This "Japan Style" template came from the Gosu Blogger, a site which I like browsing to look at "the latest fashions." Many templates for Blogger are converted from Wordpress themes by Gosu Blogger. These Wordpress themes in my opinion are generally more sophisticated than ones designed specifically for Blogger, so I find them a tad more appealing. I have used a couple of themes from this site already.

For my email subscribers, click on the title of this post to link to the actual blog in order to see this new look - or click here.

How do you like it?

Comments (1)

On January 7, 2009 at 8:56 PM , Fay said...

Love the new look of your blog. I have reviewed "The Newell Memos" and I'm happy to let you know that your blog has been added to Blogging Women.

Thank you for doing such a wonderful job. It's my pleasure to add another quality women's blog to our directory.