Kayleigh had her 2nd well-baby checkup on Monday and she is doing beautifully. Almost 12 pounds!!! (As a comparison, Abby was barely 10 pounds at her 2 month well-baby.)
For physical development the doctor thinks she's close to that of a 4 month old. She holds her head up and sits with support pretty well. While the doctor laid her on her tummy to check her back, she pushed off with her legs and feet, creeping forward.
Kayleigh has plugged tear ducts and since Abby also had them, we knew what to do and have been massaging her tear ducts daily. However, Kayleigh did develop a mild eye infection so we have eye drops for her 3 times a day until the tears run clear. Her face is a bit red and dry due to irritation from the tears, but some lotion will help soothe her skin. The doctor even suggested diaper rash cream to help her face (A+D ointment).
She received 5 shots (Polio, DTap, Hib, Hep B, and Prevnar) and also took the oral Rotavirus vaccine. Turns out she's a pretty tough kid, crying a little during the shots, but as soon as the nurse put on a band-aid, she took a deep breath, let it out, and looked at me to say, "Nnnnn!" Then she turned towards the nurse and smiled at her! As if to say, "I know you were just doing your job and I forgive you for causing me the discomfort. "

2-month well-baby stats
Ht: 23.25 inches (75th %-ile)
Wt: 11 lbs 14 ozs (50th %-ile)
HC: 15.25 inches (50th %-ile)
Ht: 23.25 inches (75th %-ile)
Wt: 11 lbs 14 ozs (50th %-ile)
HC: 15.25 inches (50th %-ile)
Wednesday, June 16, 2010 |
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