Last Friday I had my 6-week postpartum checkup. Since I had to do a 2-hour 75-g glucose tolerance test to make sure my blood sugar levels have returned to normal, I brought Kayleigh along.
If you remember Kayleigh's birth story, you'll recall that her birth was very quick and easy. Apparently, that was an unusual labor and delivery and Kayleigh's arrival has been discussed by the doctors in that practice. In the elevator going up to my appointment, I bumped into the nurse who had sent me to the hospital after checking me that Tuesday morning and declared that I was 6 centimeters dilated and should be admitted. She told me my doctor was stunned that I would arrive later than her to the hospital even after being told how far along I was and that I checked in at 8 cm and NOT in labor!
Actually, the not being in labor part had been bothering me these past 6 weeks. I figured that being that far along when I checked in to the hospital I must have been in labor for awhile and just didn't recognize it, right? How dumb am I?! After every doctor telling me, "Oh, you'll KNOW when you go into labor," yet somehow they consider me "barely having made it to the hospital," I have been feeling rather obtuse these past few weeks.
So, I did ask Dr. Ashbeck the definition of labor. I learned that, in fact, I actually was NOT in labor when I checked into the hospital. Labor is defined as having both cervical changes plus regular contractions. I was definitely missing the latter. So, it wasn't until she broke my water that I was actually in labor.
That means my labor was officially 1 hour and 15 minutes! I think that's pretty cool.
Everything checked out fine. I have healed completely and my glucose test results were normal.
The doctor and I discussed birth control options. Since I am not quite ready for anything permanent yet I think the best options are mini-pill (progesterone only while I'm still nursing) or Mirena at this point.
Kayleigh is a very easy baby to care for and I am taking her to Stroller Strides to get some much-needed exercise. I am very fortunate to already be 2 pounds less than my pre-pregnancy weight, but would still like to lose 10 more pounds. So, I might as well take advantage of the extra calories burned by nursing and compound them by getting up and moving around more.
If you remember Kayleigh's birth story, you'll recall that her birth was very quick and easy. Apparently, that was an unusual labor and delivery and Kayleigh's arrival has been discussed by the doctors in that practice. In the elevator going up to my appointment, I bumped into the nurse who had sent me to the hospital after checking me that Tuesday morning and declared that I was 6 centimeters dilated and should be admitted. She told me my doctor was stunned that I would arrive later than her to the hospital even after being told how far along I was and that I checked in at 8 cm and NOT in labor!
Actually, the not being in labor part had been bothering me these past 6 weeks. I figured that being that far along when I checked in to the hospital I must have been in labor for awhile and just didn't recognize it, right? How dumb am I?! After every doctor telling me, "Oh, you'll KNOW when you go into labor," yet somehow they consider me "barely having made it to the hospital," I have been feeling rather obtuse these past few weeks.
So, I did ask Dr. Ashbeck the definition of labor. I learned that, in fact, I actually was NOT in labor when I checked into the hospital. Labor is defined as having both cervical changes plus regular contractions. I was definitely missing the latter. So, it wasn't until she broke my water that I was actually in labor.
That means my labor was officially 1 hour and 15 minutes! I think that's pretty cool.
Everything checked out fine. I have healed completely and my glucose test results were normal.
The doctor and I discussed birth control options. Since I am not quite ready for anything permanent yet I think the best options are mini-pill (progesterone only while I'm still nursing) or Mirena at this point.
Kayleigh is a very easy baby to care for and I am taking her to Stroller Strides to get some much-needed exercise. I am very fortunate to already be 2 pounds less than my pre-pregnancy weight, but would still like to lose 10 more pounds. So, I might as well take advantage of the extra calories burned by nursing and compound them by getting up and moving around more.
Friday, June 04, 2010 |
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Comments (5)
Cecilia you so lucky! or was there some secret Chinese regimen you were doing to minimize labor time :) share ur secret!
Secret is genetics. I think all of the women on my father's side of the family had quick, minimal pain labors. :) So, is there a secret you're gonna share soon? This comment, plus facebook comments, seem to be hinting at something....
haha having a baby is an definite eventuality... just dunno when :) but i m a big wimp so i need to find out how to have a baby without the pain!
You are already 2 pounds less than your pre-pregnancy weight?!! Excuse me while I fume over here in silence. Just for the sake of the rest of us, can you please post something about a difficulty you are having? A bad hair day may be?! :P
We miss you guys. And I'm so glad you are doing great! (Although I would like you to come here and hold my hand when I deliver the second one; may be you can cosmically cause my labor to be under 2 hours too.... :)
I don't have any kids but I will beg for the same speedy labor you had. Congrats on the new baby, she is a doll!
Happy Saturday SITS Sharefest!