Meet Kayleigh's Truffles sheep. She loves her new friend. We got her Truffles for her first birthday knowing how much she loves Abby's Truffles dog.
Truffles was intend

That is one HUGE lovey!
Waking Kayleigh up in the mornings is funny. She goes through a roller-coaster of emotions in a span of 1 minute.
She's happy to see you....
She's upset

She's excited to be picked up and free from her crib....
She's still tired.
The only person who can consistently keep her in a happy, giddy state during the wake-up routine is Abby!
Kayleigh loves seeing her in the mornings and is very entertained by her. But she knows Abby can't pick her up, so she sits back and watches her sister or will try to play with her thought the crib slats.
So, on weekends, we like to send Abby in to Kayleigh's room first thing in the morning.

Kayleigh had her 1 year well-baby checkup a couple of weeks ago and she is doing beautifully.
She is currently teething, which means that no one in this family's getting a good night's sleep. She has two little front teeth on the bottom and SIX on top - two of them are molars that have broken through.
She's a statue when she stands - very steady - but will only take about 6 unassisted steps, so we have a ways to go before she walks.
She speaks only a few words and refuses to sign, even though she knows how, yet the pediatrician assures us any speech by 1 is fantastic.
I am still nursing Kayleigh most of the time, but we have started introducing other beverages into her day.
We've learned that Kayleigh is a bit lactose intolerant, so we have been experimenting with soy, almond, hazelnut, and rice milk. Her hands-down favorite is hazelnut!
We love our pediatrician. She is such a practical lady. Since whole cow's milk is less tolerated than 2% or skim, she suggested that we give Kayleigh the latter two to try. Immediately following her suggestion she says, "I know what you're going to ask next. Don't babies need the fat? Well, yes, but we live in America. Even with the healthiest diets she'll get enough of it in her diet." Working with her has really made parenting stress-free. I wish we knew her when Abby was first born.

Kayleigh was so cooperative during the adjustment - even when the Activator was used on her sinus region to help stimulate her immune system - and leaped into the chiropractor's arms after her treatment.
We talked to the pediatrician about the chiropractic treatment and she expressed how fortunate Kayleigh was to get it. We learned from her - as well as from our chiropractor friend - that babies are extremely prone to mal-adjustments due to the transition from womb to world and all the shifting/fusing of bones during their first years. As they grow and as they begin to walk and develop their muscles, most of these alignment issues fix themselves, so they're rarely a concern, but to have a chiropractor's help is tremendously beneficial. We have agreed to see the chiropractor again after Kayleigh has been walking for awhile.
1 Year Well-Baby Stats (4/15/2011)
Height: 30 inches (90th %-ile)
Weight: 18 lbs 14 ozs (25th %-ile)
Head Circumference : 17.25 inches (50th %-ile)
Height: 30 inches (90th %-ile)
Weight: 18 lbs 14 ozs (25th %-ile)
Head Circumference : 17.25 inches (50th %-ile)
Thursday, April 28, 2011 |
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