I wanted to make these ice cream cone cupcakes for Abby's 4th birthday. They really turned out adorable. We had them frosted in vanilla, chocolate, and cherry icing, then decorated with crystal sugar sprinkles.

When I was growing up, my mom made these cupcakes with the batter poured right into the cone, but usually, this meant that very little cake created the dome at the top for icing. By baking the cupcakes upside down in regular cupcake cups, I had a fair amount of cake to decorate, creating a much larger looking ice cream cone!
The only problem with this method was that the cupcakes became extremely top-heavy. So, how do we transport them?!
I read nearly a hundred reviews and everyone complained about the transport of these cupcakes. Oh, they're adorable and well-loved by kids, but transporting them is a pain. I couldn't find any good suggestions, so I came up with my own.

5 oz dixie cups, turned upside-down, with the bottoms cut out made for an amazingly stable ice cream cupcake holder.

Place them all in rows inside a couple of giant cake boxes we picked up at Michael's and you've got a great way to transport these cupcakes!

When I was growing up, my mom made these cupcakes with the batter poured right into the cone, but usually, this meant that very little cake created the dome at the top for icing. By baking the cupcakes upside down in regular cupcake cups, I had a fair amount of cake to decorate, creating a much larger looking ice cream cone!
The only problem with this method was that the cupcakes became extremely top-heavy. So, how do we transport them?!
I read nearly a hundred reviews and everyone complained about the transport of these cupcakes. Oh, they're adorable and well-loved by kids, but transporting them is a pain. I couldn't find any good suggestions, so I came up with my own.

5 oz dixie cups, turned upside-down, with the bottoms cut out made for an amazingly stable ice cream cupcake holder.

Place them all in rows inside a couple of giant cake boxes we picked up at Michael's and you've got a great way to transport these cupcakes!
Paul and I were really in a baking mode, so we also made treats to give away at the party. The intention was to create goody bags for each child, but after searching far and wide and getting frustrated with only finding cheap plastic toys, we decided to make cookies on a stick then decorate them. Paul was a huge help creating batch after batch of perfect chocolate chip cookies on popsicle sticks. Abby and I frosted and decorated them.
We were all really happy at how well the baked goodies turned out for the party.

Friday, July 22, 2011 |
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