Derby Day was actually officially called the Hollywood Party. Most classes watched a movie and did a few art activities based on the movie. But Abby's preschool class took the theme to a whole new level.
The movie they watched was "Cars." So, Lightening McQueen and car races were what they built their activities off of. All week, parents signed up to bring in items for their Hollywood party - cookie decorating items, Cars themed napkins, cups, sandwich-making items, etc. The kids spent the week making racing jerseys, Lightening McQueen Derby Racecars, racing flags, signs, billboards, you name it!
At 8:45 AM on the day of the party, they began a Walk of Fame Cookie Decorating activity. At 9:45, they met outside to prepare for Derby Races. They gathered under a huge tent and the teachers led them all in singing the "Star Spangled Banner," which surprisingly all the kids knew! Then the kids divided up into teams, placed on their bike helmets, and prepared to race. The non-racers waved racing flags to cheer on their teammates.

In the end, everyone was a winner! Each kid received a gold medal - just like in the Olympics - and we gathered inside for a really cool cars-themed song and dance show put on by the kids.

How cute are they?!

Car Wash - 2011 PS2 Derby Day Original Performance
Life is a Highway - 2011 PS2 Derby Day Original Performance
The kids loved it, the parents were beside themselves proud of their kids (at least I was) and impressed by the teachers, and even the school owner, director, and other teachers sneaked a peek throughout the activities to see what an incredible job this class did with the Hollywood party theme.
Sunday, July 24, 2011 |
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